Monday, July 7, 2008

A Family Tradition

Every year for the 4th of July we get shaved ice from the Sno Shack. Every year I take a picture of my kids on the porch eating their sweet summer treats. This year, I'm sharing that sweetness with my bloggin' friends. Flavor recommendations for 2008...Whitney went with Creamsicle, Cassidy was Raspberry with Peach, and Eli selected the ever-popular Pokemon. Everyone added cream on top for an even tastier treat! If you haven't had one yet this summer, go today. Don't wait one more minute. It's one of those 'must have' tastes of the season that needs to be savored. Not just once, but again, and again, and again.


Judy said...

cute picture of the family boy they have grown up
no shaved ice in these parts
we get Bahama Bucks instead...smoothies on the 4th

KJ said...

I'm on my way...and that's a darling photo. So glad you liked the book. I enjoyed Circle of Friends so much "M" quickly learned to resent it.