Monday, March 30, 2009

Spaced Out...

Apparently I am the LAST person on the planet to discover that you no longer are required to leave two spaces after a period when typing. My kids correct me when I do it, Phillip said he learned years ago that you weren't supposed to do it anymore, and now a person on a Sunday morning news program has also reminded me that it's not proper to leave two spaces after a period. I am dismayed and disappointed in our new that abandons all the 'old rules' of proper "typetiquette" only to convenience those who text and twitter. I'm embarassed to think what my business teacher Mrs. Scott would say. She was the one who drilled in my head in those early typing classes, "period. space. space. period. space. space." Oh, well, here goes: out with the old, in with the new. Period. Space.


Judy said...

I did not know that either. Now I am bummed. I have and probably always will put two spaces after a period. Too much of a habit now!

Sandy said...

I had no idea! I seriously doubt that I will be able to change that one! It's just a part of me now!
Enjoy your trip!

Mrs. B said...

You're not supposed to leave two spaces after a period? That is big news to me. Seriously.

SHANNON said...

Actually - i only found out after reading your blog

whitty said...

When your daughter's an aspiring editor, these kinds of errors are no longer acceptable. Although your coinage of the word "typettiquete" is laudable.

KJ said...

I can't NOT leave two spaces after a period.